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Aug 30, 2020

We asked the question we're sure most have wondered about. What can civilians do when blatant excessive force is being used against an individual? David Bohler is a retired Police Officer with decades of experience. Who better than to ask this question to?

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Aug 25, 2020

Shane Vitko is a Boston native that ended up spending sometime behind bars due to a stabbing, so who better to break down that Politics than him?
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Aug 18, 2020

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The game is so messed up its not even worth being a part of it anymore. Check out how Ron got caught up without even conducting a transaction.

Ronald (Ron) Rasul is the Founder and President of the YardOut Fitness System. The origin of YardOut Fitness can be found...

Aug 16, 2020


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Learn how Michael used lessons he learned in prison to create Prison Professors, a business that sells courses on preparing for success to prisons and jails across America.

Fresh Out and have teamed up to bring you some of the best content and info to help...

Aug 11, 2020

A little bit of training goes a long way!

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